A Welcome from the Chief

Welcome to Lennox Island Mi’Kmaq First Nation, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Our Mi’kmaq community is strong, proud and vibrant. Steeped in Mi’kmaq culture and traditions that have been passed down to us since time immemorial, our community has embraced our past and present and we look forward to our journey into a bright and thriving future. Approximately 450 residents call this special place “home” while countless thousands of others can trace their roots back to this fair soil. Generations of Aboriginal people have respected and cherished these lands and waters. Archaeological evidence and oral traditions indicate the presence of our ancestors on the shores of Malpeque Bay dating back 10,000 years. Our spiritual attachment and connection endures here and this place in the Malpeque Bay has significance to us, which all Canadians can appreciate.

For thousands of years, our people have been sustained by the sea. While methods have changed and technology has advanced, our connection with the fishery has remained. Lennox Island currently has 32 boats in the commercial and traditional lobster fishery. Our citizens harvest oysters, snow crab, clams and countless other fish resources. The fishery is our largest employer and we remain eternally grateful to the sea for its bounty. It is with respect, dignity and thanks that our people accept these offerings.

In the Spring of 2016, our community began operations at Bideford Shellfish Hatchery , the only Aboriginal owned and operated oyster seed facility in Atlantic Canada. This company is owned by the members of Lennox Island First Nation and all citizens will share in its success. We are excited about the potential of this operation, as well as other opportunities for future success in the fishery and other business ventures.

We encourage visitors to come and share the unique Mi’kmaq experience that Lennox Island has to offer. Come take a walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before us on the Path of Our Forefathers. Stop in and learn more about the PEI Mi’kmaq in our Lennox Island Mi’kmaq Culture and Tourism Centre. Enjoy traditional Mi’kmaq food. Make your own Mi’kmaq basket. Visit with our elders and listen as they share the stories and legends of our proud culture. Our residents are fond of saying that ”if the Creator made any place more beautiful than this, he surely kept it for himself”.

Our vistas are breathtaking. Our people are genuine and friendly. Our community is always open to friends new and old. I encourage you to experience Lennox Island and all that we have to offer. You will be glad you did.

Chief Bernard's signature

Chief Darlene Bernard