Our Education

Education on Lennox Island

Our Director of Education offers guidance to all Lennox Island band members interested in pursuing post-secondary education and support to families with children in K-12.

Search the directory for information about post-secondary financing, post-secondary Indigenous programs, our outdoor education initiatives, John J Sark Memorial School (our elementary), PEI provincial schools, and more.

We’ve also created an FAQs section , where you’ll find answers to the most commonly asked questions our Director of Education gets from community members. Visit our FAQs section first and if you can’t find an answer to your question, please contact our Director of Education, Kim Colwill at kim.colwill@lennoxisland.com or (902) 831-2779.


Our History

Formal education on Lennox Island dates back to 1868, when teacher and Lennox Island Band member, Martin Francis, opened a schoolroom in his home. Today, Lennox Island has its very own Mi’kmaq elementary school, John J. Sark Memorial School.

Our school was opened in 1981 and named after a much-respected teacher in our community, John Jacob Sark. We owe the construction of our school to the hard work and perseverance of community members, including Chief Jack Sark and Chief Charlie Sark, who was the Director of Education for Lennox Island at the time.

Education Directory

John J. Sark Memorial School (elementary)

Our school was opened in 1981 and named after a much-respected teacher in our community, John Jacob Sark. We owe the construction of our school to the hard work and perseverance of community members including, Chief Jack Sark and Chief Charlie Sark, who was the Director of Education for Lennox Island at the time.

John J. Sark Memorial has six classrooms: a K-4; kindergarten; combined classrooms for grades 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6; and a Mi’kmaq language and culture classroom. Between 40 and 50 students attend John J. Sark Memorial School every year and 22 people are employed within the school. The curriculum offered at the school includes Mi’kmaq-based language, culture, physical education, and music programming. Outdoor education and Mi’kmaq ways of knowing are also woven into our daily ways of teaching and learning,  

Once students graduate from John J. Sark Memorial, they attend nearby provincially-run schools – Hernewood Intermediate School (grades 7 to 9) and Westisle Composite High School (grades 10 to 12).

Because John J. Sark Memorial is a federal school, there is no formal affiliation between the school and Prince Edward Island’s Public Schools Branch. The Director of Lennox Island Education is responsible for overseeing the operations of our school.

Visit the Facebook page for John J Sark Memorial to learn about upcoming events and other important school information.

Outdoor Education

At John J Sark Memorial, we support social and emotional learning by connecting to land, water, and sky. Through our outdoor education initiatives, we are weaving Mi’kmaq ways of knowing into our daily teaching and learning.

K - 12 Resources for Students and Parents

There are many resources for parents and secondary students attending grades K – 12 within PEI’s provincial school system. Here you’ll find links to provincial schools, programs of study, Mi’kmaw curricula, the School Food Program and more.
  • Hernewood Intermediate Facebook Page:  Stay up-to-date on events and news from Hernewood Intermediate
    Westisle Composite High School Facebook Page:  Stay up-to-date on events and news from Westisle Composite High School
  • Public Schools Branch: Get information about provincial schools, bus planning, school events, and more. This central resource is helpful for Band families living on or off-reserve with students attending any English provincial school from K to 12.
  • French-Language School Board: Get information about provincial schools, bus planning, school events, and more. This central resource is helpful for Band families living on or off-reserve with students attending any French provincial school from K to 12.
  • School Food Program:  The School Food Program is a provincial lunch program that offers ALL Island students K-12 a healthy and affordable lunch option each school day.
  • Programs of Study (K – 12): Learn more about the programs of study and curricula offered at PEI’s public schools.
  • Mi’kmaw Curriculum (K-3): Learn more about the Mi’kmaw curriculum offered from Kindergarten to Grade 3. The vision of the curriculum is to provide all students the opportunity for holistic growth and personal development and to engage in the preservation of the Mi’kmaw language, culture, history, traditions, values, and worldview.
  • Mi’kmaw Language Curriculum (Grades 7 – 9): Learn more about the Mi’kmaw Language curriculum offered in Grades 7, 8 & 9. The vision of this curriculum is to provide all students with the opportunity for holistic growth and personal development and to engage in the preservation of the Mi’kmaw language, culture, history, traditions, values and worldview.

Post-Secondary & Adult Education

There are many post-secondary options for Band member students getting ready to graduate high school and adult learners interested in pursuing higher education. Here, you’ll find important information about university and college application deadlines, career fairs, Indigenous and Mi’kmaq programs of study, and more.


Indigenous Skills Employment Training

The Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program is designed to help Indigenous people improve their skills and find employment.

Post-Secondary Programs in Mi’kma’ki Focused on Indigenous and/or Mi’kmaq Education

Several universities and colleges in Mi’kmaki offer programs of study focused on Indigenous and/or Mi’kmaq Education. We strive to keep this list up-to-date, but please let us know if you are aware of any additional programs of study that should be included in this list.

Nova Scotia Community College

Poqji-kina’masulti’kw tel-kina’mujik mijua’ji’jk | Mi’kmaw Early Childhood Education

University of New Brunswick

Wabanaki Bachelor of Education (4-Year Elementary)
First Nations Bachelor of Teaching Education Program 

University of Prince Edward Island

Faculty of Indigenous Knowledge, Education, Research, and Applied Studies

Mount Saint Vincent University

Kinu Tourism Project

Holland College

Pathways to College and Workplace Success

Financial Assistance

There are many sources of financial assistance available to Band members pursuing post-secondary education, whether you are a high school student preparing to graduate or an adult learner who has been out of school for several years.  Here, you’ll find up-to-date information about student loans, scholarships and bursaries that you may be eligible for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get my transcripts from high school?

A: You can get your high school transit by emailing the Public Schools Branch. Their email is psbreception@edu.pe.ca.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Year you graduated high school
  • High school you attended
  • Where you want your transcript sent (e.g. name of college or university, email address, mailing address, pickup, etc.)

Q. How do I apply for post-secondary financial assistance and what is the deadline to apply?

A: Island students enrolled full-time in a designated post-secondary program can apply for financial assistance through both the federal and provincial student financial assistance programs by simply filling out one application.  When you complete the online application, you will be assessed all at once for federal and provincial funding, in the form of grants, bursaries, and student loans.

To begin your application, you must create an account with PEI’s Student Financial Services here.

Deadlines for student loan applications depend on what month you are starting your program of study. For more information about student loans and the most up-to-date deadlines, please visit https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/workforce-advanced-learning-and-population/getting-a-student-loanPEI Student Financial Services

Q. Who can I contact for assistance with Jordan’s Principle?

A: You can contact Nicole Gorill or Chelsey Bulger through the Lennox Island Health Centre by calling 902-831-2711. Learn more about Jordan’s Principle here

Q. Who is the point of contact at the Lennox Island Cultural Centre?

A: For information about the Lennox Island Cultural Centre, please contact Jamie Thomas at 902-831-2779

Q. What is the best contact number for John J. Sark Memorial School?

The school phone number is 902-831-2777

Q. What is the address for John J. Sark Memorial School?


24 Eagle Feather Trail
Lennox Island, PE

Q. How do I connect to the Powerschool system?

PowerSchool securely maintains student information, contact information and academic records. It is used daily by administrators, administrative assistants and teachers.  Parents and guardians can learn more about the PowerSchool Portal, PowerSchool app, and SchoolMessenger usage by clicking here.

Q. What is the address for Hernewood Intermediate School?

34 Mill Road, RR3
O’Leary, PE
C0B 1V0

Q. What is the address for Westisle Composite High School?

39570 Western Rd,
Elmsdale, PE
C0B 1K0

Q. Who can I contact to get support for my or my child’s learning disability?

The Learning Disability Association of PEI supports Islanders with learning disabilities and those who love, live, and work with them. You can visit their website or call them at 902-894-5032.

Q. Who can I contact for help with Adult ADHD?

The University of Prince Edward Island and the provincial government are partnering on a new clinic to help adults living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The clinic will see individuals 16 years of age and older who have ADHD, as well as adults who are at risk of or who have symptoms of ADHD.

Visit their website for more information.