Addictions & Harm Reduction

Programs & Activities

Please choose a topic below or scroll down to learn more

Community Sports →

Addictions Assessment →

One-On-One Sessions →

Walk-In Support →

Support for Family and Friends →

Harm Reduction Supports →

Referrals to Mount Herbert (Detox) →
Referrals to Treatment →
Healing & Recovery Drop-in Group →
Recovery Through Culture Program →

Community Sports

Contact Name: Blair Creelman

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Local sporting arenas/baseball fields

Times Offered: Yearly

Overview of Service/Program:

  • Adult band/community members are invited to participate in the community sports opportunities organized throughout the year.
  • Currently includes hockey from October to March and softball from June to August.

Addictions Assessment

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead (until we have a MOA)

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

Times Offered: Daily

Overview of Service/Program:

  • Community members experiencing challenges with addiction are encouraged to reach out to our Addictions team to book an initial assessment.
  • We provide a safe, non-judgmental space for every client to share information about their substance misuse and health history.
  • Discussion of specific needs/wants in terms of support.
  • Development of a client-centred plan based on the information shared by the client.
  • Assistance in connecting clients to other services/supports and providing referrals based on their expressed needs and wants.
  • If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and wants help, please call our Medical Office Assistant to make an appointment.
  • You are also welcome to drop into the LIHC or send a message via Facebook or any of the Addictions Team members’ work accounts.

One-On-One Sessions

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

Overview of Service/Program:

Once clients have completed an initial assessment, they can get one-on-one support from a member of our Addictions Team (male or female). Through these sessions, clients will learn essential skills and have access to tools from programs such as SMART Recovery and Community Reinforcement Approach to Addictions.

Some examples of skills/tools developed through these sessions include: Change plan worksheet, functional analysis, and coping with urges. Where appropriate, land-based learning is integrated into the sessions. One-on-one sessions can also be provided through outreach.

Walk-In Support

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead (until we have a MOA)

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

Times Offered: As needed

Clients can access walk-in support for addictions at the LIHC as needed. The assessment process will be completed if the individual is a new client. A member of our team will work with the client to identify their needs/wants and provide appropriate support.

Support for Family and Friends

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead (until we have a MOA)

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

Our Addictions Team offers one-on-one support to family members and friends affected by the addictive behaviour of a loved one.

Clients will learn essential skills and have access to tools from the SMART Recovery Program for Family and Friends, such as a change motivation assessment, self-care, positive communication, and more.

Harm Reduction Supports

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

Harm reduction is an evidence-based, client-centred approach that seeks to reduce the health and social harms associated with addiction and substance use, without necessarily requiring people who use substances to abstain or stop. Confidentiality is always maintained.

Community members can access harm reduction supports at the LIHC, including but not limited to:

  • Sharps containers distribution/disposal
  • Condoms
  • Take home Naloxone kits and education
  • Safe needle exchange program
  • Safe use supplies
  • Referrals

Referrals to Mount Herbert (Detox)

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

When a person wants to access the detox unit at the Provincial Addictions Treatment Facility in Mount Herbert, they must complete an over-the-phone assessment with a nurse.

Individuals are welcome to drop into the LIHC and a member of our Addictions Team will make this phone call with the person (we cannot call for them).

Here is some important information about the detox process at Mount Herbert:

  • Detox can take approximately 5 to 7 days.
  • The Addictions Program will provide hygiene items to any client admitted into the detox unit.
  • Our Addictions Team will stay in contact with individuals during their time at Mount Herbert (if they wish).
  • The staff at Mount Herbert will provide individuals with case management and make any required referrals (e.g., Transitions Unit, Lacey House, Lennon House, etc.).

Referrals to Treatment

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

Community members with problematic substance use have access to federally-funded substance use services, including treatment centres across the region and country for First Nations and Inuit.

Our Addictions staff will assist clients in completing the intake package(s) for the centre(s) of the client’s choice and provide referrals as needed.

Clients will be asked to provide relevant information, including but not limited to:

  • General information
  • Substance misuse history
  • Health history
  • DUSI-R Questionnaire
  • Medical Clearance Form (must be completed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or registered nurse)
  • Proof of COVID vaccinations

Healing & Recovery Drop-in Group

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

This drop-in group serves as a peer support network for any Lennox Island band/community members experiencing addiction. Participants can connect with others who are on their healing/recovery journey in a casual, safe, and supportive space. Light supper is provided, and the group usually enjoys games and conversation.

Recovery Through Culture Program

Contact Name: Danielle Annand – Addictions Lead

Contact Number: 902-831-2711

Contact Email:

Location: Lennox Island Health Centre

Times Offered: Quarterly

Recovery Through Culture is a four-week program for community members recovering from addictions. Each week, participants attend two half-day sessions (usually Tuesday and Thursday afternoons) in a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment. They learn tools and skills from the SMART Recovery and Community Reinforcement Approach for Addictions programs to help maintain their sobriety.

Participants also take part in seasonally appropriate land-based activities to reconnect with their culture and learn how to use the healing elements of these activities and teachings in their recovery journeys.

Recovery Through Culture is offered quarterly throughout the year. Please contact the LIHC to learn more.